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- Custom packaging solutions in terms of printing, formats, laminating film to enhance brands and products' properties.
- We identify innovative responses to the new market demands.
Shelf impact
- 8 color advanced printing to increase your brand brightness and boost your sales
Cost savings
- Packaging with minimum thickness and maximum protection to reduce waste
- Oxygen, anti-fog, UV barriers to extend shelf life and ensure a long lasting freshness
- Flexible packaging thanks to our user friendly adhesives and low migration inks
- We produce high barrier films with minimal thickness, drastically reducing waste and ensuring flawless printing.
We define new standards by identifying innovative solutions that help our customers to package their products in the cleanest and safest way.
With you at every step
Materials: The right match
- We help you with the selection of the ideal material to efficiently protect your product
Top performance
- We always recommend to minimize thickness to achieve efficiency and sustainability
Pre-press: Attention to detail
- We work with great care to reproduce required colors, ensuring the best end result
Our commitment to you
Delivery: 2 weeks
- Our fast response allows you to reduce your stocks relying on our just-in-time service
After sales: There for you
- We are by your side to hold you up and running quickly and with ease
Reruns: Ready to you
- All your works are carefully stored enabling a swift process for reruns service you want or edit the ones that are already listed.